
MBA小组面试英文总结模版 绝对干货

2022-10-10 16:04 求序知识网 李老师 评论







It was quite delightful for me to join the discussion with you all today.

It was such a delight that I had the chance to discuss the case with you all today.

I was very glad / happy to discuss the case with you all today.

Glad to meet you here today to have a heated discussion on the case of ……


2.刚刚我们……地讨论了关于……的案例,注意如果讨论确实不热烈,就不要使用heated 这个词。

We had a heated / detailed discussion on the case of……which was quite fruitful / informative / thought-provoking.

Just now we heatedly discussed the case of ……

We completely / thoroughly reviewed the whole case and came to (数字) conclusions.





We analyzed its advantages and discovered its disadvantages. On one hand, …… ; On the other hand,……;…… is / are supposed to be the core competence of the company.

The company lies in the period of (fast) developing / stability (stable growth) / (a progressive) decline / downhill.

I’d like to draw (数字) conclusions as the follows: one, ……; two,……; three…… / first,……;second,……;third……

From what’s mentioned before, we can draw a conclusion that …… / we may come to the conclusions that……

The strategy chosen should be adapted to the current situation. / Concerning the situation, ……

At last / Last but not the least, talent / human resource is a great resource for the company.



It is my advice that the company could put more emphasis on……

It is advisable / suggested that the company (should) pay more attention to…… (production improvement / positioning / diversification strategy / specialized operations / process efficiency / management / cost saving)

The company is good at…… while still needs to make improvements on…… (customer service / innovation / marketing strategy / localization / distribution channel / corporate culture……)

There is still much room for improvement in the following (数字) aspects: one,……; two,……; three……

I’d like to advise the senior leadership team / managerial level to take action on continuous improvement ofmanagement.



That’s all. Thank you.

That’s all what I want to say as a summary. Thank you very much.

That’s all for my brief summary on this case. Thank you.

That’s all what I’d like to summarize. Thank you very much.



1.尽量少用 I think, 可以用 I’m sure that…… / I’m confident that……/It’s my firm belief that……来代替。

2.少用过于强硬的 it must do sth 可以用 it is…… to do sth.的结构。

3.多用 I’d like to替代I want to。


(五)英文总结举例(Summary in English for Group Interview)

I’m very happy to discuss the case with all of you today. In my opinion, I got the below 3 key messages from thecase:

Firstly, XXX Company lies in the period of developing/stability/ decline, the strategy should be adept to the current situation. The company needs to pay more attention on production improvement / positioning /diversification strategy / specialized operations / process efficiency / management / cost saving.

Secondly, XXX Company is good at customer service / innovation / marketing channel / localization / totalmarketing / culture and I also think it’s a core competence of the company.

The last one, talent / human being / is a great resource for the company, I would like to advise the senior leadership team to take action on continuous improvement of management.

That’s all.




In this case, we can see, XXX company lies in the period of developing / stability / decline.

The strategy should be adept to the current situation. The company needs to pay more attention on production improvement / positioning / diversification strategy / specialized operations / localization strategy / global strategy/ process efficiency / management / cost saving.

In order to meet the challenge from changing market environment, I would like to provide several suggestions:Firstly, emphasize on the innovation in a whole on the Research & Development, management, marketing, system.
Secondly, carry out brand-building or brand-extending strategy, to build and utilize prime value of XX brand.

Thirdly, focus on modern scientific management to improve service quality to satisfy customer needs, exceed customer expectations.

That’s all. Thanks.








I’m very glad to discuss the case with all of you today.

In this informational ages, the crisis public relation presents some new trends: the new medium, just like Twitter,Blogging,Microblog,Google plus,accelerate the diffusion of the “bad news”; “Domino Effect” represent distinctly during the crisis. For these reasons, I think corporations need a reliable, rapid and sensitive early warning system to help them preventing, slow-downing, reacting, and recovering from the crisis. And, through distribution channel control,media diffusion control, legal approach, and brand strategy to control the crisis within the range of the minimum one.

Today, crisis management (crisis public relations) is the required course of business survival.

That’s all, thank you.






Mergers & acquisitions have become a strategy of enterprise management prevailing for a time throughout the globe in the current society under the state of capital running more and more embodying a result of enterprise management. An upsurge of mergers & acquisitions rose in our domestic enterprises in these years. Nevertheless,those, which have acquired real success, were not many. Most mergers & acquisitions cases are ended with failure, just like XX company.

Analyzing the reason, I consider that mergers & acquisitions exists in higher risk for itself on the one hand, on the other hand, the failure to synergy between two companies tend to curb the mergers & acquisitions to succeed.

In a word, the mergers & acquisitions has risks, so you should be cautious when make conformity.

That’s all, thank you.





The marketing channel tactics of the enterprise involve all respects of the channel.The corporation should analyze all the competitive power of the outer environment and choose a suitable strategy, but it’s more important to advance the level of management on each working tache and integrate collocation of the inner resources so as to get the comparative advantages.

In my opinion, I think with the development of knowledge economy, there are more and more kinds of products,and the demand of the consumers is always changing. So the theory of outer integration of marketing channels can be used to subdivide the markets and set up different marketing channels.Then utilizing the methods of multi-channels management, the relationship between channel members and between members and consumers can be harmonized.





In this case, I think the corporate culture has become the bottleneck of XX company development. How to construct a wholesome corporate culture?

I would like to provide 4 suggestions:

Firstly, obey the principle of nature and universal rules, and combine the traditional Chinese civilization with western modern sciences.

Secondly, erect the belief of benefit primo and realize the maximum interests.

Thirdly, cultivate the enterprise spirit and teamwork with self-characteristics, and shape a good corporate identity.

Finally, the senior leadership shall have overall globalization view and foreseeing power, stick to the basis of human resources, and keep elite staff and company policies relatively stable.

That’s all. Thanks.








In the time of market economy, brand has become an important tool for enterprises to occupy the market. With the improving of people’s living standard, brand is becoming more important.Brand stands for value, status, quality and commitment, and some high-added value beyond words. In the 21st century, the end of market competition is consumer market competition. And what consumers cherish most is brand, so the ultimate market competition will develop into brand competition. Therefore, marketing in the future is in fact the competition of intangible brand value that is beyond national boundaries. Owning brand value means owning capital for competition.

In the day of economy globalization, XX company have to pay emphasis on brand strategy in a strategic height if they want to live on in a global competition.

I would like to advise the senior leadership team to focus on modern scientific management and brand-building to improve service quality to satisfy customer needs, and exceed customer expectations.







Organization is one major function of management。In the information age, the interior environment and the exterior environment in a business organization have been changed greatly. For organization managers of **company, it is necessary to build a new organization to survive and develop in the new situation.

To XX company, I would like to give 4 advices.

Firstly, the senior leadership teams would make the change on the organizational structure to make the system running more efficiently.

Secondly, pay attention to establishing a scientific management system, and keeping innovating new technology.

Thirdly, strengthen the construction of team spirit, enhance the efficiency of work and diathesis of staff.

The last one, strengthen the internal team-building, would be a reasonable internal staff deployment, allowing the officer to exploit the advantages to the limit.

That’s all my opinion. Thanks.









In the competitive environment, human resources will become a key factor in promoting the development of enterprises, who have a group of high-level, high-quality personnel, will be able to gain a competitive advantage.

Talent is also the company’s most important asset. Thus, human resource management is essential for the development of XX company.

To XX company, I would like to provide several suggestions:

Firstly, establish and improve the mechanism on recruiting, training and reward, and emphasize training employee.

Secondly, emphasize the management based on people,and reconstruct the company culture.

Thirdly, establish the mechanism of retaining people with "undertaking, sensibility, reward".

Finally, improve continuously the human resource management system and strengthen the internal team-building.All the above-mentioned points would be a reasonable internal staff deployment, allowing the officer to exploit the advantages to the limit.

That’s all. Thanks.







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10-20 09:27
